Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Here Is What I Believe.

I believe that the media has won the election for a radical socialist from Chicago. I believe that if you question what the media wants they will try everything they can to destroy you. I believe that even after you have lost the media will continue to attack you and your family. I believe most of our media talking-heads are under-educated pussy's that like to hear themselves talk. I pray that the American people start standing up and attacking the media that has attacked our way of life, our Right to Privacy and our Freedom of Speech. One day the media will pay for what they have done and I fully expect it will be via the hand that they have elected to our highest office. I will stand and watch when these media talking-heads are taken away by the Obama "Armed Citizen Forces". When they are gone we will replace them with Journalist. As you Sow, Shall you Reap.