Monday, January 7, 2008

Non-Profit organizations

Many of you are familiar with the term "Non-Profit". Most of us envision a wonderful group of people that work for the betterment of others or to make something better. In the USA the Non-Profit corporation is classified as a 501 (3) (c) which is simply the tax code number for where you find the laws regulating the corporation that is formed by the Non-Profit Corporation laws. It is true, a Non-Profit corporation does not show a profit. Under the 501 (3) (c) rules they are not allowed too. So what do they do if they take in more money than they can spend? They can provide more services or they can pay it out in wages. Guess what happens in most cases? I really hate to sound negative about these things and I'm not encouraging you not to give to charity but what I am telling you is that if you give money to a Non-Profit corporation you have a right to ask to see their books and find out where they spend the money. Would you take financial advice from someone who wasn't willing to show you what they had in investments? Ops, maybe that's not a good example. Asking to see the books is not an invasion of anyones privacy. Remember, they are a Corporation. If they will not show you how they spend the money, you give them, why would you give it to them?

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