Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thank goodness for email warnings!

I am not making light of this and it is not the first time I have heard of this. It was an email, like this, that I believe, potentially, saved Mary from I don't know what. It happened in the Mall right here in Rapid City. Tyler was gone to the State Student Counsel meeting in Pierre and Mary and I had the afternoon free, as empty nesters. The weather wasn't conducive for fishing and I knew that Mary was bored sitting around the house. Normally, when Mary wants to shop I hang out in Borders Book store making small talk with who ever happened to be in the sitting area. Personally I like the leather chairs. My routine is to get a few magazines on Cruising Sailboats, SCUBA diving and Travel the Caribbean, magazines I would never pay for, but I find very entertaining, and sit around reading or gabbing. That day wasn't routine, not at all. I had decided to go to the Mall with Mary (a bit out of character for me) and walk with her while she shopped. In truth, I don't know what made me go with her. I say thanks every time I think of what could have happened if I hadn't had some kind of premonition or thought about that email warning. Anyway, while we were walking through the Mall a woman from one of those Kiosks approached Mary. I was standing to the side, looking at those "light up" cell phone covers with rhinestones, since the battery had died in mine. A woman, appearing to be fluent in English but you could tell it wasn't her native tongue, approached Mary.  I could tell from my military OPSEC training background I took online that the woman had an Eastern European accent from the lower valleys of Estonia. She (lets call her Mika) Mika was holding what appeared to be a bottle of hand lotion an she was trying to get Mary to let her rub it on her wrist and smell it. This is when the memory of that email came rushing back into my mind! Acting on impulse, I threw myself in a body block across Mika's upper torso, laying her out on the floor of the Mall. I jumped up and was ready to hit her again when Mary must have come to her senses, realized the danger she had been in and dragged me all the way to the car by my collar. Judging from Mary's words in the car there must have been some sort of topical drug in the hand lotion because it affected her reasoning and she kept ranting about what the police would do if they ever saw Mary or me in the Mall again. The drugs have worn off over time and we no longer speak of the occurrence but receiving this email has let me know that I did the right thing and I will show her this email tonight.

Thanks for your help, 

Your loving brother

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