Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gary Indiana

I drove through Gary Indiana yesterday. It was sad to see an industrial area like that at a stand-still. It even appeared as if the trains were not running. On the road we passed a GM plant. I know that out new government has told us they have saved GM from shut-down but it sure looked shut-down to me. It was an assembly plant with a skeleton crew in the parking lot and no new cars in the yard. I starting to think someone has been lying about the severity of this financial crisis. Think about what is going on: The military mission in Iraq is forgotten even though we have 120,000 soldiers in-country, Iranians stand up for freedom and we turn our back on them, Honduras fights to preserve their democracy and our president sides with dictators to try and make them put their impeached president back into office, the economy is in shambles and the congress passes the largest spending bill in all of history using money we do not have. Who is running things? Has America passed on? Do we no longer have a Constitution that our elected officials stand behind? At what point will Americans stand up against this treatment of our nation by the thugs in office? When do we throw the bums out?

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