Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Tea Party: It's All Been a Lie

The media and the people who feel they own their political office have been lying to you. For the last 5 years they have told us that the Tea Party members were racist, evil doers, trying to undermine the Nation. It has all been a lie and one of the worst lies to have ever been shoved down the throats of the American people. I know. I am not a member of the Tea Party but I am a fan. I went to visit a Tea Party gathering. What I saw and now know tells all of us that they have been lying to us and blatantly so.
This is the Tea Party:

The Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of middle aged and older Americans who feel the government has made the decision that they know better than the people. The Tea Party is a group of people that knew our politicians before they entered office and decided they were smarter than the people. The Tea Party members are your neighbors and friends that want a responsible government. They are our parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends that feel the government has lost its vision of Servant of the People.

So, how do you fix this travesty? You have to do the unthinkable for a civil person. You must confront them. Yes, the media and your politicians and this is how, when you see a TV crew approach and speak directly at them. It does not have to be a major network, any network, local or national. Ask them why they are attacking a Free American, Ask them why they are trying t over-throw our Nation. Ask them if their parents, brothers, sisters know what they are doing to hurt our country. You need to call their homes, ask them the same questions. Ask their friends, call their relatives. Ask, ask, ask!

As for our politicians, they bend with the wind against power. Turn the media we turn the politicians.

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