Saturday, May 1, 2010

What Have You Gotten Into This Time?!

Well, now I have done it. Yesterday, I left work a bit early, went home and decided to clean underneath the seats of my Miata. I know, most of you are thinking "why would anyone be so concerned about how clean the underside of a car seat is"? I wasn't but, this is still a new car for me and Mary mentioned tat she saw a golf ball under the passenger seat and could not reach it and I thought "ya know, I should really check this car out and make sure there is nothing in this car that could get me in trouble". See, when you drive through a military installation gate everyday you are honestly providing unquestionable consent to allow the military to search your vehicle. If they find something in your car you could be banned from the base, fired from your job and other bad kinds of things. In the past the Military Police had offered a free new vehicle search to members so they could be sure that the car was clean. I have neglected to have this done since buying the car in October thus, I was cleaning under the seats. I cleaned under the passenger side, found a golf ball, change a couple of shopping bags and some old post-it notes. I switched to the drivers side and slide my watched encrusted left hand under the seat. I could feel some change, grabbed it and tried to pull my hand out. It wasn't happening. My watch was preventing me from pulling my hand from under the seat! I was STUCK, Trapped, the big "You ain't goin nowhere"!

I was close to panicking but, like being close to throwing up, I calmed down and tried to think my way through this. I tried, for some time (only and estimate because I couldn't see my watch) like 15 minutes but no good. The watch latch would not come open and I couldn't slip my hand out moving the seat forward or back. I tried everything including removing the seat mounting bolts (my ratchet and sockets were within reach). Nothing worked. I was able to get to my cell phone and I tried to think about who I could call. I couldn't call Mary because she doesn't have a phone (her choice) and she couldn't have solved this issue anyway. I called my brother Mike, just to tell him how stupid I was (he was throwing discus with his buddy Mark. Yes, the Olympic type discus, don't ask. . I'll explain in a future posting). I texted several people and generally just burned time. Now I knew Tyler had finished his day at school and it was just across town (15 minute drive) so I called him and casually explained my predicament. Tyler said he was on his way. I sat there for some time (15 more minutes) and thought if through to myself about what Tyler could do and decided I needed more help so I called 911. I explained my predicament again, was transferred to the Fire Department, explained again and they said they would drive over to help. Well, as all thing happen, everyone showed up at the same time. Tyler pulled in the driveway (brought a buddy because you can't see something like this alone) the Paramedics pulled up in front of the house (no siren) followed by a really big fire truck (with a very loud siren) and behind them all, my wife Mary!

My son and Buddy were laughing while waving the Paramedics up to the garage, the Paramedics came running up to help. I explained my condition one more time and one of the Paramedics (who must have a lot of free workout time judging from their size) used my ratchet to break a seat bolt loose. Lifted that corner of the seat and I pulled my hand out. Relief all around! That's when Mary came up with her High School Math Teacher voice said "What is going on here"?! With guilt filled looks, me, Tyler, Tyler's friend Josh, 2 Paramedics all looked at Mary and shrugged our shoulders in the guilty stupid boy fashion. We were busted! In the end, I spent a good hour stuck am glad it's over and will be more careful in the future.


  1. Nice appears that your Miata caught a bigger fish than I did!!! Glad everything worked out okay (except for your self esteem of course!). Love you!

  2. Oops! you did it again!
